2-1-1 [LOCAL SUPPORT LINE] support@oshanna.org

Terms & Conditions

Our church evolves frequently, so we may amend these Terms from time to time – and you agree to all amendments. These Terms were last updated on April 11, 2022. If these Terms are changed, we will post a notice for 3 weeks.

By visiting our website or by using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use.

1. About These Terms and Conditions

a. Why You Should Read

These Terms and Conditions govern the use of this website and the content located herein. It establishes important guidelines regarding the areas of this site which the general public may access and the acceptable behavior in those respective areas. Additionally, it provides information about the ways in which content may be submitted to the site and the ways in which this content may be altered.

b. Who is Publishing These Terms and Conditions?

These Terms and Conditions were produced by Oshanna Church of Spiritual Activism (herein referred to as “Oshanna”, “the Church”, “we”, or “our”) to govern how this website might be appropriately accessed and utilized by its visitors (herein referred to as “you” or “your”).

Oshanna Church of Spiritual Activism is an international spiritual community and religious organization dedicated to promoting freedom of religion around the globe. While Oshanna provides many traditional services, it is most often recognized for its provision of ministerial ordinations over the internet or by way of invitation to private gatherings.

c. Other Terms You Should Read

Oshanna has also, for your convenience and information, published both a Privacy Policy and a Shipping/Return Policy. We encourage you to review these policies before submitting any of your information or placing any orders to ensure you understand the ways in which your information will be used and the systems in place to ensure that your order makes it to your door on-schedule and in good condition.

2. Who Owns This Content?

2.a. All of the content on this site, including all text, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, and data, is the sole property of Oshanna. All trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights (whether or not these have been registered) are the exclusive property of the Oshanna, are protected by US and International copyright and trademark laws, and may be protected as trade dress, common law, and other relevant intellectual property and proprietary rights and laws. Oshanna reserves all of its rights in this content and no part of these Terms and Conditions grants any user the license or right to utilize any of the content on this site, unless expressly authorized in writing by Oshanna.

3. How You Can Contribute

3.a. Frequently, Oshanna will invite you to contribute to our site as part of our effort to build and maintain a global faith community by utilizing the collaborative power of the internet. Your contribution could occur in several different areas of our website and may include photos, text, graphics, audio, or video.

3.b. By submitting any of the aforementioned materials, regardless of form, you agree that the Church may reasonably utilize your contribution (without compensating you for such use) anywhere in the world. Further, you agree that any material that you contribute to the Oshanna is subject to moderation and may be reviewed, edited, and/or removed from the site. Oshanna reserves the right to remove any contributed material if it believes that it is not in compliance with the guidelines set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

3.c. Your submission of materials and implicit agreement with the aforementioned permissions does not terminate any existing copyright you may have over the work submitted. As the owner of these materials you may continue to utilize them privately and you may exercise your right to share these materials with other organizations or individuals.

3.d. By submitting materials of any form you affirm that those materials are your own work and that you are authorized to publish and share these materials. Your submission of these materials may not violate the rights of any other individuals and must be in full compliance with the guidelines set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

3.e. Content available through this site, such as the comments left on blog postings, often represents the opinions and judgments of an information provider, site user, or other person or entity not connected with us. We do not endorse, nor are we responsible for the accuracy or reliability of, any opinion, advice, or statement made by anyone other than an authorized Oshanna spokesperson speaking in his/her official capacity.

3.f. As we process and moderate your contribution, we may, at times, need to contact you in relation to your material submission. For a more complete discussion of how and when we might contact you directly, please see our Privacy Policy (below). 

3.g. In the process of generating material to submit to Oshanna or submitting materials to Oshanna, we request that you not break any laws or put your life or person at unnecessary risk.

4. Your Legal Obligations per these Terms

4.a. You are solely responsible for any of the charges incurred as a result of your visiting any part of this website or downloading any of the content made available therein. If your internet service provider charges you as a result of the amount of data you connect to or download while visiting this site you, the visitor, are solely responsible for paying these charges.

5. Questions and Concerns

5.a. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the elements of our Terms of Use described above, we would invite you to contact our office by sending a message to our support team at support@oshanna.org  or calling us, during our regular business hours, at 855-477-7884.

5.b. If you have a more general question about the Church and its ordinations and products, you may submit a question on our Contact Form. If you have a question about how we collect and use information, you may find that the answer to this is located in our Privacy Policy (below). 

6. DMCA Notice

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, as amended, (“DMCA”) provides recourse for copyright owners who believe that material appearing on the Internet infringes their rights under United States copyright laws. Other laws may provide similar protection. If you believe that we are infringing on your copyright, please notify our DMCA Copyright Agent of your complaint and a requirement that such content be removed or blocked, as set forth in the DMCA. Please consult the DMCA to confirm these requirements. You must provide our DMCA Copyright Agent with the following information in writing, to the extent required by the DMCA: (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner that is allegedly infringed; (b) identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed (or, if multiple copyrighted works on a site are covered by a single complaint, a representative list of the allegedly infringing works on the site); (c) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and to be removed, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material on our Site; (d) information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as your address, telephone number and e-mail address; (e) a written statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and (f) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice and complaint is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf. Please be aware that the foregoing information in your complaint may be forwarded to the person who provided the allegedly infringing content. The foregoing information must be submitted to our DMCA Copyright Agent as follows:

Oshanna Church of Spiritual Activism
125 S. Lexington Ave
Unit 101-70
Asheville, NC 28801

7. Electronic Communications

When you use our websites and services, or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You agree and consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

8. Disclaimer of Warranties


9. Disputes

Any dispute, controversy, claim, cause of action (whether based in contract or tort, or by statue or code, or otherwise) issue, demand, or damage related to or arising from your use of our website, products, and services, including ordination, or from the data, information and content on our websites (collectively a “Dispute”), will be resolved through binding arbitration and not in Court, except for an action that is properly filed in Small Claims Court, Buncombe County District Court. You and we expressly waive any right to trial by a Court or by jury. An arbitrator, however, may award the same damages and relief as a Court could, and must follow these Terms and Conditions. You and We will agree upon a mutual arbitrator, and if we cannot then we agree to one employed and appointed as deemed necessary. Arbitration shall be held in Buncombe County, NC, and you agree to, and waive any defense or objection to, this location.
All parties have the right, at their own expense, to be represented by an attorney or spokesperson of their own choosing. Each side shall bear their own fees, costs, and expenses, including one half of all arbitration fees. However, we will pay all of the Arbitrator’s fees if the Arbitrator makes a specific finding, upon a sworn affidavit by you with actual proof, that you are without the financial means to pay your share of the arbitration fees. The arbitration shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days of agreement to or appointment of the Arbitrator. The Arbitrator may grant a reasonable continuance upon good cause shown. The Award shall be reasoned and should be rendered within thirty (30) days of closure of the arbitration proceedings. Discovery shall be expeditiously completed within three (3) months of agreement to or appointment of the Arbitrator. Each party shall produce relevant non-privileged documents requested by the other party. Discovery procedures available in court actions do not apply. The Arbitrator should grant depositions and/or other written discovery upon a showing of need. All discovery disputes shall be promptly submitted to and promptly resolved by the Arbitrator.

10. Notice of Dispute

If you have any claim or cause of action, or you believe there is a Dispute between us, we encourage you to submit it to us promptly so we have the opportunity to address it and correct it with you. Any Dispute you have shall be filed within one (1) year from the earlier of the date the Dispute arose or occurred or the date when you should have learned of the facts giving rise to the Dispute, even if you did not appreciate or know the full extent of any damages. You expressly waive any different statute of limitation or time bar, both legal and equitable. Either you or we may submit a Dispute to arbitration by providing written notice to the other, with such notice containing the following: (a) your or our correct legal name and physical address, (b) the nature of the Dispute and the facts giving rise to the Dispute, (c) the damages and remedy sought, and (d) pertinent documentation regarding the Dispute. Thereafter, we and you will attempt in good faith to resolve the matter, and if not submit the matter to Arbitration for binding resolution.

11. Applicable Law

We and You agree that the Federal Arbitration Act, as applicable, and the laws of the state of North Carolina, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern any dispute that may arise between us (including a “Dispute” as defined herein) and these Terms and Conditions of Use.
To the extent of any legal action filed in Court involving the Church, except for a small clams action, whether to confirm or challenge an award or ruling in arbitration, to challenge these Terms and Conditions or the validity or enforceability of any term or provision, or otherwise, you and we agree that venue shall be in Buncombe County Superior Court, Asheville, NC. You and We agree to the jurisdiction of that Court over our persons and the subject matter, and waive any defense or objection to either the jurisdiction or location, whether for inconvenience or otherwise.
A small action shall be filed in Buncombe County District Court, and you agree to the jurisdiction of that Court over you and the subject matter, and waive any defense or objection to the jurisdiction or location.

12. Waiver of Class Action

We and You both agree that neither of us shall have the right to participate as a class representative or class member with respect to any disputes between us (including a “Dispute” as defined herein), and also waive any right to assert consolidated claims with respect to any Disputes subject to arbitration under this Agreement or any dispute between the parties

13. Severability

These Terms and Conditions shall survive the termination of your use of our products and services, your ordination, and your use of our websites. If any portion of these Terms and Conditions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall nevertheless remain in force.

Privacy Policy

Our church evolves frequently, so we may amend this Policy from time to time – your continued use of this service acts as your agreement to any amendments, of which you will always receive notice. This Policy was last revised on April 11, 2022.

Oshanna Church of Spiritual Activism (herein referred to as “Oshanna”, “the Church”, “we”, and “our”) cares about the privacy of visitors (herein referred to as “you” and “yours”) to our site. We also know you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. Please read on for a full discussion/understanding of privacy policy and how we may utilize, disclose, and protect this information. By visiting our websites, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use.

1. What Information We Collect

There are three types of information we collect or use. The first is personally-identifying information, which is information provided by you and includes your name, email address, telephone number, and physical address. The second type of information we collect or use is your financial information. This is information provided by you when you make a donation, such as your credit card number. The final type of information is automatic, non-personal information. This is data obtained from your computer when you visit one of our web properties and includes things like cookies, your IP address, and your browsing activity on our sites (e.g. the date and time you visited, how much time you spent on the site, the areas or pages you visited, etc.).

2. How We Use Your Information

2.a Personally-Identifying Information   In order to provide you a legal and valid ordination, we require all of our ministers to provide us with their full legal name, email address, and physical address. This personally-identifying information is collected to, among other things, verify your identity, populate our member records, and aid us in generating legally valid ministerial documents for you if you choose to acquire any of these from our ministry. We may also use it to contact you if necessary. Your personal information is stored in our secure records. As a valid church, the law requires that we retain this personally-identifying information in our records. The storage and utilization of this data is vital to the operations of the Church and the activities of its ministers around the world. The member-ministers of the Church often perform activities, like wedding ceremonies, in the public sphere that can and often do require the Church to verify and endorse these tasks on an organizational level.

2.b   Should any of your personal information change, such as your name or address, we require that you contact us to update your records accordingly. In the future, we may make it possible for registered members to update some of their account information on the website itself by accessing the information editor located in the “My Account” section of the website. Once so, after you have logged in using the email address and password you used when you became ordained/created your account. In this section, you will also be able to privately review your historical donation information and any other personally-identifying information you have submitted to the site.

2.c Financial Information   Should you ever make a donation or purchase merchandise in our forthcoming online store, we may also need to collect your credit card number, credit card expiration date, and billing address (“financial information”). This information is securely stored and is used only to process payment and fulfill your order. Only authorized personnel have access to this information, and the most sensitive elements are largely obfuscated internally to provide an additional level of protection. Your financial information will never be shared for any other purpose with outside or third parties. We limit the time we maintain your financial information to the minimum required to satisfy all legal and business requirements. When your transaction is completed, your financial information is permanently deleted from our systems, unless you initiate post-transaction activity (e.g. initiating a chargeback proceeding with your bank).

2.d Non-Personal Information   Automatic, non-personal information such as cookies is used to improve our products, services and operations; to detect and investigate activities that may violate our policies or be illegal; and to keep track of activity on our websites. Because many of the religious activities of the Church occur in the cyber-sphere, we strive to improve and expand these services for our users on a daily basis. Cookies are digital files stored on your computer, and are not stored anywhere online. Wherever possible, we do additionally seek user consent and seek to inform the user about how and why their information will be collected and stored, but a user’s continued usage of the Church’s online services is her or his agreement and consent with both this Privacy Policy. When a user initially requests ordination with the Church, they must affirmatively click a button opting-in to the storage and utilization of the information as described herein, and in geographic areas where it is required users have the ability to opt-in to receive additional communications (i.e. bi-monthly email newsletters) from the Church.

2.e   We also work with third party partners and tools, like Google Analytics, to make constant improvements to our online environment to ensure that it is working effectively and efficiently. As these partners and tools analyze our online performance they may have access to some of the automatic non-personal information, but will never have access to your personally-identifying or financial information.

2.f Your Data Rights   The Church stores and utilizes the information that it does in order to continue providing high quality services to its member-ministers around the world. We acknowledge that individuals have the right to control when and how their personal data is stored and used and as such have made provisions for both the deletion and sharing of any information collected at the request of the user who provided that information. If you would like a copy of the personally-identifying information the Church has collected about you, please contact our team and request that that data be sent to you electronically. You can contact our team and make this information request either by emailing support@oshanna.org  or by writing to us at 125 S. Lexington Ave, Unit 101-70, Asheville, NC 28801. After your request has been processed and your identity verified, your information will be dispatched to you electronically within 30 days. You may be asked by a member of our support staff to produce legally valid proof of your identity before any information request you make is processed, and we will be unable to honor any information access, change, or deletion request until we are assured you are the individual whose data will be affected. Please note that you can always view all of the personally-identifying information you have submitted to the Church yourself by logging into your minister account on our website and navigating to the account information and account settings sections, without the need to make a formal request.

The Church maintains that it is legally obligated to store some essential personally-identifying information – like your name and address – that you submitted as part of the ordination process indefinitely. We will in all cases be unable to permanently delete this information from our servers. Some of the information you may have entered as a minister however, like your telephone number, may not be considered essential. You have the right to contact the Church at any time to make a formal request that any non-essential personal information is permanently deleted. If you would like to make this request, please contact our team. After your request has been processed and your identity verified, within 30 days your non-essential personal information will be deleted from all Church servers and will be deleted from the servers of any third party with whom that information was shared (please see Section 3 of this policy for more information about when and how your information may be shared with third parties). Please note that many of the online services and tools provided by the Church will not be available to you when your data is deleted. The Church deems your request to have any of your data deleted to be a simultaneous request to have your ordination revoked and your name removed from its minister rolls. You will no longer be able to perform legally valid ceremonies under the umbrella of Oshanna Church of Spiritual Activism and you will no longer be able to log-in to your account created on any of our websites. If your request to be sent a copy of your information or your request for your non-essential information to be deleted is denied, we will inform you in writing why your request was denied and give you information about the options still available to you within 30 days.

Visitors to the Church’s online properties may have specified Do Not Track (DNT) settings in their web browser prior to their access of those properties. The online properties and platforms operated by the Church do not respond to Do Not Track signals. There is no established legal standard in place for how DNT signals ought to be honored, so at this time we do not respond to them. We anticipate and intend to honor any standard that is established in the future as internet privacy laws continue to evolve. Meanwhile, we recommend browsers such as DuckDuckGo for non-tracked web activity.

3. Disclosure And Sharing

3.a   We will never sell or rent to any third party your personal or financial information you provide to us, unless you give us consent. Nor will we use personal or financial information in ways not described in this Privacy Policy. From time to time the Church may contract with third parties to conduct surveys or assist us with the creation and distribution of marketing materials directly pertaining to the Church and its services. In such cases, we may provide your email address to these third parties, but we will not share any other personally-identifying information, and never any financial information.

3.b   The Church offers pages on our site, such as our guest book, where users may enter personal information. These pages are publicly accessible and available to third parties via public search engines offering search services. Your entry of data is voluntary, and you assume all liability for what you enter, and agree to hold us harmless from any liability or harm that may occur. If a written request is made to remove any personally-identifying content in one of these areas of the site, the Church will make every effort to remove that information in a timely manner from its sites and servers, but cannot guarantee complete removal from the internet or other sites and users that have captured the data.

3.c   At times, we may be required by law to disclose personal information, such as to law enforcement or by court order. By submitting your personal information you authorize us to disclose personal information to law enforcement or to comply with a proper legal order or requirement, as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary.

3.d   We utilize carriers, such as the US Postal Service, to fulfill orders, deliver packages and mail. We also utilize companies to process credit card payments. These third parties have access to some of your personal information needed to perform their limited functions, but are not permitted to use it for other purposes.

3.e   As part of our services, our websites often contain links to third-party websites, which may have privacy policies that differ from our own. Oshanna is not responsible for the content or privacy practices on those websites. We recommend that you review the privacy policy posted on any site that you may access through our websites.

3.f   Certain areas of the site may allow you to log-in to your account via a third-party, independent social media service. When you elect to do so, we may gain access to some of your account information associated with that service, such as your name or other information. The types of information that may be provided is determined and authorized by the policies of the specific third-party social media service used. You do not need to utilize a third-party social media service to access any area of the site, and you may disable the connection you’ve established between your account on the third-party social media service and our site at any time.

4. Those under the age of 18

4.a   The Church does not direct its products or services to minors. Furthermore, the Church does not ordain or sell to persons under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children, and anyone under the age of 18 may use our sites only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

4.b   By entering your personal and sensitive information as part of the ordination/registration process and clicking the submit button (as is indicated on that page) you agree that you are 18 years of age or older and are authorized to do so. If we suspect than an individual has registered/become ordained on the site while under the age of 18 or using false information, we will promptly cancel the ordination and delete this information. If you suspect that an individual under the age of 18 has registered for ordination, please alert us by emailing support@oshanna.org and we will follow up appropriately.

5. Security & Integrity

The security, integrity, and confidentiality of your information are important to us. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, and alteration by unauthorized third parties. Please be aware that, despite our best efforts, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Any transmission of your data on or using Oshanna websites is at your own risk.

The Church has gone to considerable effort to ensure the integrity and security of its online and offline systems, and continues to work diligently to ensure that the information of all of its users is well-protected. In the unlikely event of a data breach, the Church will immediately assess to what extent the personal data of ministers was accessed, will report this breach to the proper authorities, and whenever necessary will alert users who were personally affected by this breach and advise them to what extent their information was improperly accessed.

7. Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the elements of our Privacy Policy described above, we would invite you to contact our office by sending a message to our support team at support@oshanna.org. If you have a more general question about Oshanna and its ordinations and services, you may Contact Us. If you have more general questions about this website and its usage, you may find answers to these in our Terms of Use (above)